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Friday, April 8, 2011

RDBMS Meets the Cloud

The traditional relational database can be a poor fit in these cloud environments. The promise of the cloud is that you can increase computing resources by allocating additional virtual machines.
As a result, cloud providers offer simpler, nonrelational databases that can provide elastic on-demand scalability. The major offerings are:
SimpleDB within Amazon AWS
BigTable within Google App Engine
Microsoft’s Azure Table Services and SQL Data Services
These cloud databases differ in implementation detail, but share common core features:
A hierarchical structure resembling a B-tree index or hash table. Rapid lookup via a single key value is provided.
Flexible. Each “row” often can contain different “columns,” and columns may have multiple values or include a more complex embedded structure.
Automatic geo-redundancy. Elements stored in the database are guaranteed to be replicated across multiple data centers.
Automatic partitioning across multiple hosts and automatic scale-out as the size of – or demand on – the data store exceeds the capability of a single host.
However, these databases are missing many of the features we’ve come to expect in a relational solution:
Joins and complex queries must be implemented in procedural code.
Transactions are not supported. You can’t create a set of changes that must succeed or fail as a single unit.
“Eventual” consistency. When you make a change to a data item, it will be visible eventually, but not immediately, in all locations where a copy of that data is maintained.
Will cloud databases disrupt the RDBMS market? Probably not. But the cloud environments available from Amazon, Google and Microsoft offer significant advantages over traditional hosting or in-house hardware models. Applications that exploit the cloud will find the scalability and zero-maintenance models of these cloud databases appealing. As these cloud applications emerge into the mainstream, the cloud database probably will establish a permanent and successful segment of the database taxonomy.

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